School Council
Our School Council provides a meaningful means by which our pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account on decisions which impact upon them.
Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a real say in decisions that affect their lives and know that their opinions count. Pupils on our School Council are encouraged to participate actively in school, learning about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability whilst also improving many aspects of our school life and beyond.
Electing the School Council
Members are elected democratically by their class and they represent their class at the weekly School Council meetings. The School Council is made up of children from Form II to Upper IV and is led by our School Council Leaders. Our ECO Champion, will continue to advise us on how we can reduce our use of single-use plastic.
The School Council Meeting
Each member is responsible for bringing ideas to the School Council meeting. These ideas are proposed by each class and, once discussed at a School Council meeting, the School Council members report back on what has been decided and why. Our School Council meets every Wednesday, so if you would like to visit, just let the School Council leaders know. Ideas which are brought to the School Council benefit the school, the pupils, the teachers and hopefully ….. the world! The right to have a say is very important and we recognise that these rights bring responsibility and our School Councillors take their responsibilities very seriously.
Involving Everybody!
It is very important that the views of all of the pupils are heard so we have suggestion boxes in all the classrooms for children to record ideas and views. We also hold regular ‘pop-in’ sessions at lunchtime so come and tell us what you think.
What will the School Council discuss?
We talk about everything from new suggestions for Chef Lizzie’s menu to ideas for new clubs, but we also take an active role in supporting fundraising events and raising money for our School Council charities and we will continue to think of how we can reduce our use of single-use plastic.
Who are the Councillors?
Our School Council Leaders create the agenda and run the meetings democratically, making sure that everyone is listened to and given the opportunity to have a say. They are supported by our treasurer, who ensures that we spend our money responsibly.
Together, with the help of our ECO Champion and the elected class representatives, they work hard to make sure their decisions are reached democratically and that they involve their classes and keep them informed of all decisions.